Cover photo: Dome of Light art installation, Kaohsiung, Taiwan


I am a Software Engineer!

I was born in Cádiz, which is probably the most breathtaking city around the world. I have studied Computer Science at Universidad de Cádiz. Nowadays, I am learning at Intelygenz, a Software Solutions Development company located in Madrid, Spain. Take a look around this website to know a bit more about me!


Here is my work experience timeline! You can find details on my LinkedIn profile.

My Projects

Each of the following projects has an own post in the blog with more details. You can click on one project to know more about it.

Aplicación descentralizada basada en Ethereum para la compra-venta de datos personales

Aplicación descentralizada basada en Ethereum para la compra-venta de datos personales

El Gallo de Netflax

El Gallo de Netflax - Get your Netflix series from Twitter to Google Calendar.


Wolidays - Make an apartment reservation in order to enjoy your best holidays.

Terminkalender Stats

Terminkalender Stats: data analysis taken from an academic libGDX-based app.

Blank project thumbnail

More projects coming soon...

At this moment, I'm working on an improved version of this personal portfolio website.


Feel free to contact me if you want to. You'll find my social network links in the lower left corner of this website.